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Currently reading

Fairytale Apocalypse (The Verge #1)
Jacqueline Patricks
Progress: 87 %

Twists, action, drama and extremly emotional that holds a lot of magic

Fire: Nimue's Destiny (Children of Avalon) - Meredith Bond

Recommended to Blondie~♔ by: Meredith Bond
Recommended for: Fantasy, adventure and drama addicts
Read from May 08 to 10, 2014


Plenty of twists, stacks and stacks of action. Loads of drama. Very emotional, but does it work out in the end?

"I'm sorry I froze you, I can't help it. Maybe it's becaz you made me angry or is it jealousy". 

Not following, but pursuing us.

Imagine being able to heal at the slightest touch, welding limbs back together again without the need of surgery?

It was super to meet up with the children of Avalon, and of course, my all time favourite, Sir Dagonet whom I most definately adore. Also it was fab meeting the brothers again, their relationship with one another is tremendous. 

Once again, every fight they encountered was extremly noisy, just as it was happening nearby that you could see and hear all the action taking place. 

What I adore about Merry is just how smooth her writing is, it's exceptional. I'm so addicted to her books and I must say following Skai, Bridget, Dylan and Sir Dagonet on their travels have been absolutely wonderful, even tho it's been almighty exhausting to say the least.