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Currently reading

Fairytale Apocalypse (The Verge #1)
Jacqueline Patricks
Progress: 87 %

Hello destiny. I'm your destiny. we are one

Fairytale Apocalypse  (The Verge #1) - Jacqueline Patricks

bookshelves: action, bond, compelling, drama, dreams, fantasy, favorites, fiction, friiendship, kindle, lost-love, magic, paranormal, reveiws, romance, sadness, survival, time-travel

Recommended for: Everyone that enjoys fairytales

Recommended by Jacqueline Patricks
Read from August 16 to 23, 2014

'mythology- a collection of myths, fantasies, fairytales'
Destiny more real than love!! What does destiny mean - has she found her destiny, is he her destiny and are they destined to be one?


Just how far would you go for your destiny? Would you search Heaven&Hell to find your destiny or will you travel to alternative worlds? Would you fight wars to rescue your destiny? Is there only one path that leads us to our destiny and what exactly is destiny anyway?



"No one is too old for fairytales, dreams do come true -you just gotta believe. Have faith, trust your inner wisdom and let it guide you towards the correct path that leads right down to your soul."


I was so excited to be able to read this beautiful tale. Jacqueline certainly has a unique talent that makes books come alive.
Every page, every sentence the words speak volumes to you. It was such a smooth read, even tho there were quite a number of heart clenching moments from time to time. I found it difficult putting this book down and I just didn't want this to end. I can't wait to read the second book in the series

Well done Jacqueline, you have done it again


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